As I returned from a moment of prayer that evening, I spotted a young lady to whom the Lord had me say a word. I obeyed. The lady picked a part and vehemently refused the other part which was about forgiveness. I enquired why it was hard to forgive. 

She was in a relationship for some years with a guy. There was physical intimacy. To cut the long story short, she got pregnant at a point and the boyfriend facilitated the abortion of the baby. After the abortion, he ghosted her. 

A while later, they met in a place and he attempted to touch her inappropriately. When she refused, he told her how worthless she had become reminding her of the abortion. He called her a rag. 

Just some days before the Lord sent me with a word (which was some years after the last encounter they had), he reached out to tell her he was getting married. She said to me, “I cursed him, his wife, and his children unborn”. She was deeply wounded. Thanks to God. She also got her healing. 

In her documented words: 

“For a long time, I lived in self-condemnation thinking Christ can never love me and forgive me because if you ask me, I will say I am the worst sinner on earth and I don’t deserve forgiveness. In fact all that was in my head was that if I die, I would go to hell, no two ways about it. I suffered from low self-esteem. It affected my relationship with others. But something happened, I experienced an unconditional love, different from the entire love I had experienced. It was God’s unconditional love calling me and stretching forth to receive me…”

She added, “I began to feel good about myself. Ever since never a time have I felt alone. I stopped living in self-condemnation. I loved others unconditionally though sometimes it could get really challenging but I choose to love because Christ chose to love me even in my unfaithfulness. God declared me “not guilty”. That was my first love experience. With the love of God in me, it became easy to love myself and love others”.

Beloved, God heals the brokenhearted. He heals the wounded at heart. No matter how bad the wound that has been inflicted on you is. 

*He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.* Psalms 147:3 NKJV

A person may have walked out of your life but that is not the end. Do not shut the door because if you allow Jesus Christ to walk in, he will heal every wound and bring you into a new season. 

Do not build a philosophy of pain out of your hurt. Do not let bitterness hold you in chains. As long as you are holding someone, you are also not going anywhere. Release that “ex” So you can receive the new that nothing can explain. It is God’s gift to you. 

Your wounds are healed. 

Your heart is fixed. 

You are made whole. 


temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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