“DD, are you crying?” That was the question that my mum asked my dad that unforgettable evening. A storm just hit their union. After a protracted battle with eye issues, we returned home to the news that Mum could not see again.

Dad wiped off his wet eyes.  I wonder a thousand times what passed through his mind in seconds. But he did the most reassuring thing I have ever seen. He picked up mum’s hands and used it to touch his eyes and said to her, “From today, these will be your eyes”.

As a team, I have seen them weather storms, win again and again, outrun opposition, and overcome challenges. 

The storm that hit them both while they were still in their 40s did not win. Almost thirty years afterwards, they have built mighty seeds like me, built institutions that are a blessing and helped other families get stronger.  Amazingly, their friendship has not depreciated.

Beloved, a crisis can do two things to your marriage- weaken it to kill it or strengthen it to rise! The determinant factor is the response that you choose.

Why do marriages struggle in the middle of a storm?

First, the foundation of the Word is not solid. There are homes that are not built on the rock-solid foundation of God’s word. When storms hit, and the winds of life blow, the home does not stand.

Second, because the foundation of the Word is lacking, most responses are emotional and not scriptural. Everything else will pass away but only the Word of the Lord abide forever.

Third, there are storms that turn couples into adversaries instead of making them stand together as friends and comrades in arms.

Two are better than one. In the middle of storms, you can help each other through it.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ICB

[9] Two people are better than one. They get more done by working together. [10] If one person falls, the other can help him up. But it is bad for the person who is alone when he falls. No one is there to help him. [11] If two lie down together, they will be warm. But a person alone will not be warm. [12] An enemy might defeat one person, but two people together can defend themselves. A rope that has three parts wrapped together is hard to break.

The most powerful words in the middle of a storm are “We will go through this together.  We will overcome this. We will win hand in hand and side by side”.

The moment the enemy does not succeed in isolating any of you, he has lost the battle already. No matter how tough, stand by your spouse. Fight together.  He can be unemployed today, but it would not be like that for life.  Fight that war. Win that battle. You have the Lord by your side, and you have each other to strengthen. You have won this.

Eat this storm. Yes! It is breakfast for champions. 

Be calm with one another. Leave no gap for the enemy.  Do not withdraw from your spouse. You need each other when the storms hit.

I have good news for you:

Yes! You won.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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