In the early days of ministry, I would carry on like a “macho man”. I would take on every task without thinking of involving my spouse. There were times I did things without carrying her along. They were innocent mistakes coming from “I don’t want to bother her”.
But about three years ago, we visited two beloved families who were also ministry gifts. From observation, we saw the ease with which they worked together. It was so seamless. We saw the strength of two and what it could birth.
I repented. I became very deliberate with working with my wife as a team. Everything around us felt the impact of our team efforts – our home, our calling, our work, our finances and many more.
Marriage is made up of the man and the woman. There is a reason why it is not the man alone. The man needs a help-meet. The woman needs the support of the man also.
A lot of men are flying on one wing who have the potential to ride storms because they give different reasons why they think or believe their spouse cannot do much. Some women are struggling to birth things without the push of their husband.
Any great achievement you make alone will look great publicly but there will be a weight that will remain in your heart because the one you love did not take the journey with you.
Some men actually relegate their wives to the background. You keep forgetting that the harvest you lack in your home is simply because someone had to diligently play the role of “Husband” or the “Bridegroom”.
Patience is the price we pay for agreement. It may take a little while and a little more from you, but you must be patient.
Beloved, there will always be significant progress in any home where the woman is given the wings to fly. Her progress is your blessing. There will be great strides in your home when you allow the man to take his place.
I have seen numerous examples of visions that great couples jointly built. Beloved, there is a greater harvest, but it is locked up in your spouse. Would you be wise enough to work as a team and propel each other to new heights?
Relieve one another’s burdens.
Relieve them of weights.
Unclip her wings.
Support his dreams.
There is a reward for joint effort. Do not lose it.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 NKJV
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa