It was a season where I needed some money. I had prayed about it but it seems nothing changed physically. I was about to ask a friend who sends me data to convert it to cash so I can at least have offering for service that evening. I could not imagine that I would not have an offering to give that night.

I had restraint in my heart every time I thought in that line. Some hours into the day, a dear brother requested my account number and gave me more than my monthly income.

Beloved, waiting on God may stretch us but God never disappoints. Every temptation to follow human will and plans would always result in an Ishmael. He is a son but he is not the promised seed. Isaac is the promise of God.

The moments you are pressured out of the waiting and trusting phase of a journey, you will get less than God can give to you. Most times, God would still show up and you will feel so stupid that you did not wait patiently for him.

Waiting is work but that is the secret for renewed strength.

“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired.”
Isaiah 40:31 AMP

Two women agreed to cook their sons during the famine in Samaria. After they feasted on the first son, the other woman refused to release her son. Well! The famine ended the next day.

The woman who ate up her son would have been traumatized. She will keep asking herself, “Why couldn’t I wait for 72 hours?” (2 Kings 6:26-33; 2 Kings 7)

Some decisions are irreversible. Be patient with God as you make crucial decisions. Do not let the pressure make you settle for less. Do not just marry any brother that shows up. Wait for the one God has brought to you.

When God shows up, you will have no doubt that this is God.

In this season, you will see the Hand of the Lord. Your waiting phase will become a testimony. God will show up for you. While you are waiting, pressures will not bury you. Amen.

(What a joy seeing people arise and give towards the online and free distribution of COMPASS. God bless you all. You can still partner with me by clicking this link: https://temiloluwaola.com/partneronline)

There is love in sharing

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