I was on my way from a trip in the South-South when a dear brother gave me the gift of a lovely Lenovo tablet. I was so excited about the new gift that I woke at night to take a look at it. While looking at it that night, the Lord told me to give it to another brother of mine. I obeyed.

This is the shocking part: When I handed it over to him in the morning, he said to me: “I have just been excited since about 3 am this morning as though something was on the way”. It was around that time that I said Yes to God’s instruction to give it to him.

Friend, you must learn how to intercede for people. Some of the answers to the prayer you have been praying is blocked by the unwillingness of the channels that God has moved to answer that prayer.

Take a minute to ask yourself- Has God ever asked me to do something for someone before and I hesitated? If the answer is Yes, then you can agree with me that it does not happen to you alone. The same way to think about it but never get to do it is the same way others likely think about you but never get to do it.

There are times that they are willing to do it but they just get carried away with other things. You must learn to pray for people also.

There are times that they desire to do it but something happens that affects their mood for that day and the story suddenly changes.

Paul told Timothy that intercession should be made for all men:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1 Timothy 2:1‭-‬2 KJV

Pray for men so you can get the things that you want. Men can become the blockage to the miracle you are waiting for.

Do not just pray for things. Remember to pray for men. Pray willingness and obedience for the men God has raised to be a blessing to you. And pray the same for yourself also that you will always be willing to obey God without hesitation.

(The Hard Copies of Compass is at the Press right now. Thanks to all who have given in support. Would you still love to give also? Kindly partner with me to achieve this goal by clicking this link-

There is love in sharing

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