We were in an appraisal meeting in the ministry- looking circumspectly at the vision and things that have driven it this far. We concluded that there were things we lost because we wanted to copy something else. We concluded that “We must be secure in our model”.

One of the things you must pray for in life is the grace to be secure with the revelations (insight, ideas and concepts) that God has given you the privilege to host and implement.

Pressure can make you leave what has been working for you to copy what is working for someone else. At times, the motive is sincere but the loss, in the long run, is an adulterated version of what God gave to you.

Joshua learnt from Moses. Moses handed over to Joshua. Moses led the people to cross the Red Sea. Joshua led the people to cross the Jordan. Both did it in the instructed way. They waited for instructions.

There are times you will do exactly like another. Elisha parted the Jordan just like Elijah did with the cloak. However, there are times you will do it differently.

A discerning man would therefore spend time in fellowship with God per time to draw the method heaven has placed a seal on for the moment.

What opened up for Israel may bury Egypt. You must not be in a hurry to copy. It is good to be challenged by others but it is better to be led by the Lord.

Maybe the giving of Barnabas challenged Ananias and Sapphira but they got themselves into a mess by attempting to do the same at the level of Barnabas. Do not kill yourself while trying to copy someone else. You may end up less than God intended.

Remember, those who compare themselves to themselves are not wise. Press in for divine inspiration. Even if it makes no sense, stick to the plan heaven has sown in your mind.

If you copy without the revelation behind it, it can lead to disgrace- the sons of Sceva can explain better! They saw firsthand what happens to those who copy without a mandate from God.

Be secure.

There is love in sharing

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