Danielle has a way of waking up long before dawn. She will likely not sleep back once she sees either Dad or Mum awake. She woke up one morning around 3 am and the first question she asked was, “Daddy, is it time to pray?” She was asking about our family devotion.

Friend, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up- prayer or phones? That amazing heart of a child is the pointer to the heart we must have towards God. Our first desire when we wake up must be fellowship with the Father. Train yourself till it is so.

Jesus would wake up long before dawn and the first thing He does is to find a place to pray (Mark 1:35) He practised a lifestyle of prayer so well that the disciples went to him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1)

Second, do you have a time of prayer? What time do you pray? If you do not have time you pray, you are most likely not praying. The early church had “hours” dedicated to prayer. Peter and John were on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer (Acts 3:1) Do you have an hour of prayer?

Third, be around those who pray and it will help you grow in the desire to pray. The stirring of the disciples to learn to pray was because they saw Jesus did it. A lukewarm company will kill the flames of prayer. You can never desire what you have never seen.

Finally, there is a time to pray. There will be times when you know that the grace to pray is available. Do not take that moment for granted at all. It is a divine invitation. Do not turn it down. At such times, you ride on the wings of grace. Press in.

There is love in sharing
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