On my way to preach, the Lord reminded me of a vital lesson I learnt years back listening to the Father of the Faith who pioneered the ministry that invited me. The Lord then instructed me to hold on to a “Thank You” Seed. I obeyed as I was instructed.

Interestingly, this father in the faith got to hear about what I did and blessed me with more than triple of what I brought to him as a seed. I was shocked.

First, never stop appreciating people from who and places from where you have learnt major lessons in life. Take a review and find a way to say Thank You. Grateful people are scarce. Most people say Thank you in their hearts but never express it as an action. Out of the ten lepers who were cleansed, only one came back to say Thank You.

Gratitude is scarce. Do not become part of the statistics of ungrateful people. Outsiders, at times, are more grateful than insiders. The only leper who returned to say Thank You to Jesus was a Samaritan. Most pastors are better honoured outside their churches. Turn the table with you. Say thank you today to your pastor.

Second, it is very rare to outgive fathers. God gave us Jesus Christ. We can never outgive that. It is impossible. Abraham gave all he had to Isaac. That record cannot be beaten by whatever Isaac has to offer. Fathers will always outgive you. Do not hold back when you have opportunities to give to a teacher and father. Do it well. Do it without expecting a thing in return. Just say Thank You.

Honour would always give birth to honour. Gifts open the door of access to the heart of kings. Most people hang around kings thinking of what to get. When you hang around a king, please think about what you can give and contribute. That is the password into greater and deeper realms. Be a giver.
Honour your teachers.

Remember the charge of Paul to Timothy:

Give double honor to spiritual leaders who handle their duties well. This is especially true if they work hard at teaching the word ⌊of God⌋.
1 Timothy 5:17 GW

Who would you love to say “Thank You” to today?

There is love in sharing

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