I had sent a text message to a very important personality- a father in the faith. I knew he would either call back or send a message in return. My phone would most times be placed on silent mode.

However, because I did not want to miss his response or his call, I increased the volume on my phone so I could hear wherever I was. I did not want to miss his call.

At that moment, the Spirit of the Lord ministered to my spirit: “That is exactly how sensitive and eager you must be when it comes to your relationship with me also. You must be postured to hear”

Friends, if your relationship with God is priceless to you, you would ensure that you are constantly in the position to not miss His prompts. Lack of preparation and low sensitivity is one of the major reasons why we miss out on divine prompts.

If you have ever missed out on a prompt and paid dearly for it, you will know the weight of what I am saying.

How does a servant await his Master?

“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him.”
Luke 12:35‭-‬36 NIV

Be dressed ready. You will have no time to start preparing. You must be prepared for the Lord’s prompt per time.

Keep your lamps burning. Ensure you do not run out of oil especially in night seasons. When it is tough, burn brighter.

How do they open the door when he comes and knocks? Immediately! So where do you think they were standing all along? At the door! They could not miss out on his first knock. They were right there to say, “Lord, here I am”.

It takes some people several prompts to know when and what the Lord is saying. Train your spirit to respond to the first prompt. Let the arguments in your soul reduce.

One thing that can hinder your walk with God is the strength of your flesh. If your flesh is too loud, you will resist divine instructions.

How do you position your spirit man to receive?

First, you must be a child of God. His sheep knows his voice and will obey Him.

Second, invest in the study of God’s Word and prayer. Have a consistent time of personal devotion. That is basic training for all who want to know God more.

Third, live in the meditation zone always. Do not get carried away by things. Place your ear on His heart. Pick His heartbeat per time. Let nothing come in between that precious moment.

If God speaks in a whisper, would you pick what He has said? If he uses a still small voice, would your mind be calm enough to pick his prompt?

Are you ready to hear from the Lord?

There is love in sharing

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