A protege reached out to me and said, “Pastor, we need to open a domiciliary account. Some people may want to give to you in foreign currencies to support the work”. I felt a bit bad but promised to work on it. I had the opportunity to open one earlier but ended up not pushing through at that moment.
Years ago, when we used to get water when it rains. If we are leaving the house, we position buckets at the edge of the roof so we can have some water if it rains. We also have water channels for gathering water running from the roof into big drums or tanks also. We had not seen the rain but we were always prepared.
Life is about preparations. The fact that you have not seen it does not mean you should not prepare for it.
Faith is also about preparations. The fact that it is not yet seen does not mean it does not exist. You must begin to prepare for what you desire.
Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].
Hebrews 11:1 AMP
Most young people will always say they want a God-fearing person and they add a long list of other qualities they desire. The question is when it rains, are your buckets already outside? That is, do you have the same qualities that you are looking for. If not, it is just a mere wish.
If you are trusting God for enlargement, you must be extending your territory and creating room for more.
“Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep…” Isaiah 54:2
If you want a job in a multinational, are you following those working there also on Social Media platforms? Do you check to see the requirements that the company is putting out? Or are you lost in irrelevant platforms engaging in unproductive things?
No matter how much the pastor prophesy over you, a prophecy that interacts with preparation is the one that leads to a promotion.
If you desire a promotion, work for the new level that you desire. Do not do the work of a manager and expect the post of a senior manager. Do your best. Over-deliver.
Keep the buckets out. It will rain. If possible, build a reservoir. If you can, dig a well. Be prepared for your opportunities. Your preparation can end up creating your opportunities.