WEIGHTY QUESTIONS – “Where are you?”
One of the things I learnt from my Pastor when I was serving was the answer to the question “Where are you?” Typically, the answer for most people will be “I am on my way” or “I am coming” or “I will soon be with you”. He will insist that the answer should always be “I am in so and so place now”. I still miss it at times though.
The first person God asked “Where are you?” in the scriptures was Adam. It was a question that wanted to know the true location of man. God wanted to know whether he was still in the state that He made him.
It was not as though God is unaware, God simply wanted man to come out clean rather than pretend or shift blame to any other person. God wanted Adam to admit that he had messed up. But just like us, Adam went on to say words that portray that he was not ready to own up to his sin.
Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”
Genesis 3:9-10 NLT
The only reason why we become fearful and refuse to be truthful is that we have something to hide. We have forgotten that “sin will always find us out”
But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the Lord, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.
Numbers 32:23 NLT
Sin is a location disruptor. Sin wants to drive you far away from divine signals. It does not want you to hear the voice of your saviour. It wants you to become dead to the correction of the Holy Spirit.
There are times that God would use men that he has placed in spiritual authority over you to ask you probing questions. They may become concerned about your steps or actions. If they see that you are acting like you have things to hide, they can confront you.
You must be grateful to God for spiritual leaders who do not shy away from probing when it is necessary. Make sure you are not driving fast down sin lane without the brakes of accountability. The end is always disastrous.
So where are you?
What is your state spiritually?