I was scheduled to see my grandfather in the faith. I was almost in his office when he sent a message that we should see the next day. I had to return home.

When I got to see him the next day, he asked me, “How about that young lady we spoke about?” I was surprised. Amid his hectic schedule, he remembered the tiniest detail. Amazingly, the young lady is now my wife. I had gone to see him earlier for counsel and accountability on my marital issue.

I know mine was marriage but there is also joy in heaven when sons bring other children home.

I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.
John 10:16 NLT

Beloved, who are you bringing into the kingdom of God? Who are you talking to about this great family? Who are you praying for to know Christ?

The father delights in seeing sinners saved. The father delights in seeing the saints edified. The father delights in seeing lost sons returning home.

I read years ago that the Parables of the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep, and the Lost Son have something in common:

First, something valuable was missing: The widow lost one out of ten coins. The shepherd lost one out of a hundred sheep. The father had a lost son.

Second, there was an all-out search for what was missing. The widow lighted a candle and picked a broom and turned the house upside down till she found it. The shepherd abandoned the ninety-nine to look for the one lost sheep. The father was on the constant lookout for the return of his son.

Third, there was a great joy when what was lost was retrieved. The widow called her neighbours and was joyful. The shepherd rejoiced over the lost sheep. The father killed a fatted calf and threw a welcome party for the lost son.

Are you a part of the kingdom business? The reason why Jesus died is to turn many back to righteousness and to bring many back home. Soul-winning touches the heart of the father.

Who are you praying for?
Who are you speaking with?
The father will soon ask, “Where is my son that you brought home?”

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing