We once had a unit head in church who began to show signs of lack of commitment and divided attention. After reaching out on informal grounds and we noticed no change. I instructed that a memo be issued to know why the unit head was not available for a major conference and did not give any notice at all. 

The response did not take time. The person that followed up for response had an interesting episode. Questions like “Are you paying me?” spilled out easily. I knew something had deeply gone wrong. 

Service in the kingdom of God must be done with the whole of your heart. If you expect any man to reward you, you sure have missed the Kingdom memo. Men have a moral obligation to say ‘thank you’ but no matter what they do, do not expect your reward from man and do not be disappointed when the appreciation is not coming forth.

Jesus made a very powerful statement at the end of a story about a servant who spent all day on the field serving. He returned to his master with more work waiting for him. The master did not even bother to say thank you. Jesus said: 

“Does the true servant expect to be thanked for doing what is required of him? So learn this lesson: After doing all that is commanded of you, simply say, ‘We are mere servants, undeserving of special praise, for we are just doing what is expected of us and fulfilling our duties.’ ” Luke 17:9 – 10 TPT

Is it not interesting that this is coming at the end of a training session for the disciples on “How to Live above Offences” (Luke 17:1). Offence will surely come but you must not become a slave to human appreciation. 

So who then has the reward of a faithful worker? 

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” Revelation 22:12 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” 

Colossians 3:23 – 24 NKJV

Do not waste your time getting offended with your pastor or unit head. Their “thank you” is limited. Who is the rewarder? Is it your pastor? Is it your husband or wife? Is it your boss? The Lord has your reward. Do not let poor attitude deny you the fullest of it. 

There is love in sharing

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