When I returned from service year and recounted to my parents that the Lord has called me into ministry full-time, it was initially a quiet drive around town as I narrated my encounters with the Lord. 

The next day, my dad walked into the room and said to me, “I thought you were coming home to tell us that you wanted to travel out or maybe you were picking up a job in the city”. 

He then added, “For years, we had always prayed that God should send young ones back to Eruwa for the work of ministry, I did not know my son would be the first fruit of the answers to our prayers.”

He then looked at me and said, “Son, the pain I feel on the inside is proof that God has called you.” Those were the words from my parents that released me to launch into ministry full-time.

A lot of people are not willing to be the answer to their prayers. They want God to use someone else to answer their prayers. Some Christian parents want the nations to be reached but are selective about where God should send their children. 

It is easier to share testimonies when we get a job in the field of commerce. We scream and dance for joy. We are proud to say “He got a job in one of the top four companies in so and so sector.” Our prayer partners will rejoice with us. 

But if it is about the call of God to the field of souls especially in the unreached places, the response would be that of uncertainty. Some of our prayer partners will say, “Let us pray for clarity.” There are no shouts of joy. We become sad. 

Are you ready to be the answer to your prayers? Jesus told the disciples to pray for the harvest of souls: 

But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Matthew 9:36‭-‬38 NKJV

Jesus Christ had compassion and prayed about it. He also asked the disciples to pray. That is where a lot of us would stop. But not Jesus. Guess what happened next: 

The prayer was no sooner prayed than it was answered. Jesus called twelve of his followers and sent them into the ripe fields. He gave them power to kick out the evil spirits and to tenderly care for the bruised and hurt lives. 

Matthew 10:1‭-‬4 MSG

They became the answer to their own prayers. Are you willing to be the answer or you are only paying lip service to the kingdom assignment? Will your heart obey when the demand comes for what your mouth is asking for? 

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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