Right after the service year, he got a great job in the same city. The job came with a Mercedes Benz Vboot and an official apartment. We all rejoiced. What a delight. About two years later, he began to have a prompt from the Lord to take the gospel to an unusual location. 

A mission agency in one of the Northern African countries needed an English language teacher who was also knowledgeable when it comes to Information Technology. He knew God was sending him. 

When he came to see me in Eruwa after resigning from his plum job. We took the world map and kept our finger on that nation. We prayed our hearts asking the Lord for souls as he went. 

I looked at him after our prayers and told him, “I thought I was out of my mind when I left the wig and gown to come into ministry but I have found a crazier brother.” He went to that nation and that was the beginning of a life of huge impact. Amazingly today, he still does at a larger scale what he did in that nation. 

Beloved, is there anything that will be really hard for you to let go and serve the Lord? There are people today that are sensing the call of God to unusual places but fear has built a stronghold in their hearts. If fear keeps you away from obedience, it has become your Lord. 

God is still calling the best of us. God is looking for brilliant yet broken men. God is looking for men who are like Moses. They are trained by the best of the world. They are vast in knowledge. If we are humble enough to obey, we will be shocked at how great things will be done through our lives. 

Listen, do not come and give God your retired self. No! Do not give the finest years of your life to ambition and career. When your strength is used up, you now begin to say “I want to go into missions.” God needs you while you are young. 

Do not forget. 

Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”

Ecclesiastes 12:1 NLT

There is love in sharing

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