I came in pretty tired that afternoon and I was looking forward to the Sunday rest. Just when I was hoping of having that evening allgo myself, Dad announced that I had to stand in for him at a meeting later that day. Do you know what his reason was- He was tired.
I could not say “No”. I obeyed Dad. That was the first time I met the woman who ended up becoming my wife.
Faithfulness to assignments are triggers of greatness. Greatness is tied to divine assignments. If you do not live with an assignment consciousness as a Christian, you will never be great in the Kingdom.
Abraham’s assignment was not just to give give birth to Isaac but to Father the Nations. He needed a large heart to become all God wanted him to be. Assignments like rescuing Lot (even though he was ungrateful) was part of the process.
Joseph’s assignment was not just to enjoy his position as Prime Minister. It was to preserve a generation from dying in famine. Assignments like managing resources for Potiphar and coordinating Prisoners was part of the journey.
Esther’s Assignment was to ensure that she uses her position to preserve the Jews from deadly opposition.
Nehemiah’s closeness to the throne was to be deployed for the building of the walls of Jerusalem.
Look at this bold statement of Jesus:
I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
John 17:4-5 NKJV
A man who will be great in the Kingdom of God must:
-Find Out His Assignment
-Focus on His Assignment
-Faithfully Execute His Assignment
-Finish His Assignment
I know you want to find purpose. It is simple- be faithful with assignments.
David was faithful with assignments, he ended up killing Goliath.
Joseph was faithful with assignments, he ended up preserving Egypt and the Jews.
What are you faithful with?