Every time I look at this beloved one of the Lord, there is an aura of grace and unction that is no longer there. It was a gradual fading away and before long, it was obvious that something was amiss. The missing aura began to reflect in the appearance- a little show of what should be covered! Some grounds had been lost. You rarely can trace that there was a calling and ministry grace some time ago in this same vessel. What went wrong?
Follow closely:
When Eleazar was sent to get a wife for Isaac, he thought to clarify a very important factor:
“My master Abraham sir, what if the wife I think fits her refuses to come, should Intake Isaac back to where you came from?”
Father Abraham did not mince words. He was clear and direct. He told Eleazar:
“Eleazar, on no account should you take my son back to where I am coming from”.
“But under no circumstances are you to take my son there.”
Genesis 24:8b NLT
I know this was a conversation about locations but much more, it was a conversation about the grounds that have been gained spiritually by faith and obedience to divine instructions.
Desperation to marry should not become the reason why you are now spiritually dry. It must never happen. Never!
You have a call to ministry, and you are convinced about it. Please, do not marry just anyhow. Some marriages have become the graveyard of men and women of grace. Priesthood must never be caught in the trap of the profane.
Look at you: You know clearly that you are called to serve the purpose of God in Nigeria but your fiance or fiancee is insisting that there is no hope in this country, and you have to relocate. It is enticing. You have not gained grounds if you go. You lost ground. You only gain grounds in obedience not in pleasure.
The calling of God on your life must not be reduced to a mere decoration. There must be oil flowing and light shining in your lampstand.
Look at you: You are now locked down in the prison of lust. You do not pray again because lust is preying on your soul. Every visit now ends in sexual explorations. You are caged. A man who has his hands all over you now has it in the wrong place. Those hands should be raised in worship and surrender. It is in the wrong place.
If you compromise to marry, you will compromise to keep the marriage. If you lost your consecration because of marriage, you have lost too much. If you lost your calling because you have to settle down, you have settled indeed.
Be warned: The applause of men is not same as the applause of heaven. Great men may be clapping but if heaven is not, you have lost grounds. Great men may stand on earth for you but if heaven’s stamp is not on it, you lost grounds. There is an applause of one that counts- God!
There are destiny negotiations that are not worth it. You have the strength to say “No! It stops here today. Lord, grant me the grace to recover lost grounds”.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa