We came back in that evening. Irewamiri walked into the kitchen to get our dinner ready. I was tired to the bones and I felt entitled to some rest. At that moment, the Holy Spirit said, “Go and help her in the kitchen”. I obeyed. It turned out to be a great evening of bonding.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can build your marital bond. The problem is we have people in marriage who listen to their flesh and feelings while ignoring the Spirit of the Lord.

There is no believer who loves the Lord, studies the Word and hears His voice that should struggle with building a great marriage. The challenge is always in these forms:

First, we get too busy to listen. It is possible to go through life and not access the help of the Holy Spirit. We get lost in doing things our way and by ourselves that we lose sight of the help of the Spirit of God.

Second, we think we are smarter than the Holy Spirit. How? You choose your will above his prompts and instructions.

When you are home as a husband and you sense to do what you will not traditionally do, that is the Holy Spirit helping you grow and bond with your spouse. Do not take it for granted. Romance does not have to always be expensive when you listen to what the Lord asks you to do per time.

Think of a couple like Joseph and Mary. I honestly believe that one of the reasons that heaven chose Mary was because of the kind of man that Joseph was. Heaven did not just need the womb of Mary, heaven needed the heart of Joseph.

So when Mary says her pregnancy is from the Holy Ghost, God did not want a man who would make a rash decision without thinking or a man who would begin to broadcast without seeking the face of God.

But as he was thinking this over, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary [as] your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of (from, out of) the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 1:20 AMPC

Do you take time to think things over? Do you just make decisions at the spur of the moment? Heaven can speak to a man who spends time to think but hell can use a man who is hasty and rash in decision making.

What would have happened to their union and worse, to the vulnerable saviour of the world if Joseph did not know when the Lord spoke or have a heart that was fully yielded to the Lord? We thank God for Mary but we do not take the Josephs in our life for granted.

What is your union like? Is it helped by the Lord or led by your emotions. Two captains cannot stir the ship. Once the Lord sees that you are sold out to your emotions, He would never intrude in your decisions. Make up your mind to have a Spirit led marriage.

There is love in sharing

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