My father spent the early days of his life assisting his father on the farm. He mentioned that anytime they were working on the farm and they need to eat roasted yam, they would seek a farm that had burning coal from firewood. They would go get the burning coal and bring it back to their farm.

It was not that easy though- You must ensure the coal keeps burning till you get back to the farm. You set the coal amid your wood and then begin to fan it till you get your fire.

Friends, this season make sure you are connected to burning coals. Let your hunger move you in the direction of the Word of God, Prayer in the Spirit, People of the Word and Prayer, Teachers from the Lord and Meetings that can set you ablaze.

When you get the burning coal, make sure nothing steals it. Why? Spiritual Warfare begins the moment you tune your heart to the place of understanding:

Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me because I was detained there with the king of Persia.
Daniel 10:12‭-‬13 NIV

The devil fights understanding. Why? It is what you understand that you can apply to get results. You cannot come back to the farm with dead coal. Do not let the devil steal what you got. Keep fanning it.

How do you fan it? Look at it again. Remind yourself again. Breath on it again. Let the wind of your mouth keep blowing it. Do not take your mind and your mouth off it. Remind yourself and keep meditating on it.

Finally, apply it to your situation. Localise whatever you have received. Then begin to fan it till it begins to crack with a red glow and fresh flames. Fan it till it begins to speak to your dark coals. Fan it till a little flame becomes hot enough to cook a meal. Fan it till it burns. Only burning coals can cook a meal.

Make sure there is nothing you receive that ends with you. The only way to keep burning is to get others aflame. The coal that burns alone has some impact but it is not enough. The coal that burns amid dead coals reproduces itself. Go and catch the flame. Go and spread the flame.

There is love in sharing