A protege of mine got admitted to the University and he came to ask me for one thing I would have done better if I had the chance to get admitted again. It was a question I had answered before he even asked. My answer was simple, “I would not waste time getting committed to a church”.

I was actually of the school of thought that I went to school for academics alone. I analyzed how fellowship meeting days were wasting precious time. I did not realize that I was only slowing down the process of my spiritual growth.

It is not God’s plan that anyone should grow in isolation.

God setteth the solitary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Psalm 68:6 KJV

Even Paul that was spoken to by Jesus Christ had to fellowship with Ananias, sought the Apostles, and became active in the early church.

It is easy to get lost in high-sounding unbalanced revelation when you have no company that challenges you to grow or brings clarity to areas where you need such.

Right from Antioch, Paul had a believers company. He did not say ‘I have heard God and I do not need anyone. Paul at a point even submitted what he was teaching to the pillars of the church to vet and examine. He did not want to become a lone ranger with strange insights.

It is a great thing to be part of a spiritual family- it helps your growth. It keeps you in a company of accountability.

Do not isolate yourself from the church. Plugin and grow.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing