I had quite some great folks around me when the ministry was about to start. They were amazing people who were giving all they could to ensure that we build a great foundation for the ministry.

I had a tough conversation with each one of them. I asked the question, “How far do you want to go with this vision?” Some said, “As long as I am in Eruwa, I would give my best”. Some others withdrew at that point. Others would not join the church but would support in any other way they can.

Beloved, on the journey of vision, clarify the commitment level of those who are starting out with you. You must not build permanent expectations on a person with a temporary mindset. You will be disappointed when they cannot operate at the level of commitment you desire. It was not their fault. You did not seek clarifications.

God did that with Gideon. He reduced 22000 soldiers to a mere 300. You must allow God ‘slim fit’ the human resource you have till only those who have a great heart for the vision are the ones with you. Some are there just for the naming ceremony. They will not do anything to raise the child. It is not their child.

Do you think it was a joke that Jesus spent all night praying before He finally decided on the twelve? Choosing a team is work. The people with you on the journey will determine a lot about the vision.

There are those whose heart will be with you like Jonathan was with David.

Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. “Don’t be afraid,” Jonathan reassured him. “My father will never find you! You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you, as my father, Saul, is well aware.” 1 Samuel 23:16‭-‬17 NLT

Jonathan knew that his place was to be right next to David. He had an awareness about it. But like David, you cannot drag Jonathan with you. Jonathan must convert his awareness into action by himself.

There are people who will tell you for years that “I know I am meant to be a part of what you do and I pray God should help me” and that is where it will end.

And just like Jonathan, they will return home while you will continue on the journey of vision. They will return to their comfort and leave you to your conviction even though their heart is there. Do not be offended.

Whatever you do (business or ministry and at times a friendship that is not defined- he eats all your food and calls you sweet names and is keeping you in an emotional cell), clarify the roles of those around you very fast. You must not build permanent expectations on a person with a temporary mindset.


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