As we stepped out of the morning session for the biggest event of the year in my spiritual grandfather’s ministry, he spotted me while he was heading to his office with some of the guest ministers. He said, “Son, make sure you see me before you leave”. 

It was a tussle getting into the office area because of all the heavy protocol but I eventually succeeded. I sat patiently waiting for him. After about two hours of waiting, he sent his secretary downstairs. She said to me, “Papa said you can go. He will see you later”. 

It was first a shock. But I had prepared a seed in my hands. I handed it over to the secretary and said to her, “Ma, please help me hand this over to him. I know it is a hectic time in ministry and it is my little way of support”. I was just a year old in ministry at the time. 

I understand that for some of us, you would probably get angry- “Why should he ask me to wait when he knows he is so busy?” “Why would I wait for two hours and then he would excuse me?” But for me, I simply thought that it was even a privilege that he spotted me and was willing to spare some time to see me in the middle of his hectic schedule. I was amazed. 

Beloved, if you are a pioneer, you must understand the weight and the demands of following with patience, humility and diligence. 

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. 

Hebrews 6:12 NIV

You must deal with the spirit of offence. Offence will keep you in the same spot. Issues will arise while relating with your mentor and trainers that you must never allow to become a trap of offence. 

Offence has limited many people in life and destiny. How does it happen? Prophet Isaiah showed us the process: 

And many among them shall stumble; They shall fall and be broken, Be snared and taken.” 

Isaiah 8:15 NKJV 

Once you are offended, you stumble. If care is not taken, you fall. If you are not smart enough to deal with it, you are broken. Once you become broken, you need help. If you do not deal with offence fast, you will be snared. After being snared, the enemy takes you. That has always been his plan. 

Do not let offence ground you! Develop your love walk. You need it a whole lot.

There is love in sharing

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