A young man went for his medical posting many years ago in a rural community. Vision was formed within him. Later in life, when everyone was choosing city life, he chose to return to the rural community. He built an organization that became a toast of the community and a light of possibilities to the nation.

Some years later, there is another young man as a Corp member posted to this organization who has trained and raised many skilful surgeons. Instead of drawing all he can from the system, he is seeking opportunities to be excused from serving.

Anywhere you see something that has worked for decades, do all you can to draw the principles that make it work.

Most of the principles I ran with in the first few years of ministry was learnt in service year from three organizations – the church I worshipped, my service in NCCF, and the chambers I served.

Amazingly, my boss also ran an outreach to rural areas. I was in charge for a while. I was a forerunner to places where I did not understand their language. I met with community leaders and pastors. I collaborated with other institutions. We had an outreach in a community where they have not sent Corp members for years. They were shaping moments.

If you abandon service, you have abandoned shaping and sharpening. Never abandon a season without picking the lessons. Never leave a tough season without being shaped for the next season. Thank God for ease but there is something called the labour room of destiny. There is no quiet maternity. Grind when you need to grind so you are not grounded when others begin to fly.

Here is how the Apostle James noted it:

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work, so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

James 1:24 MSG

Do not have the “civil-service” mindset. Fight it hard. Think about it- how many people retire from civil service to mighty things? Some who started businesses after retirement still do it like civil servants. They keep the shops locked till 10 am. They rarely can scale into bigger things. Those who are sincere start learning on the job in old age. It is always too late.

Service may stretch you but if you can draw the principles that built great things, then you can build great things too.

Remember, it is called “Service” year for a reason. Are you serving?

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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