My parents told me the story of a health crisis that my brother had while he was still about a year old. They took him to the hospital in Eruwa, and the doctor referred him to the University College Hospital that night. My parents did not wait till morning. They began the journey that night because the life of a son was at risk. My father drove all night to get them to Ibadan. However, God miraculously intervened before they even got to the hospital. 

One father that continually impresses me is Jairus. 

First, Jairus was one of the rulers in the synagogue. Dear Father, never allow the heights you have attained to get in the way of your heart. No matter your title, the greatest thing you can be to your child is their father. Father them! 

Second, when Jairus saw Jesus, he prostrated before him and begged him earnestly. If there is any time you must never allow shame to stand in your way, it is when you are taking your place and playing your destiny role as a father. 

Then one of the rulers of the synagogue came up, Jairus by name; and seeing Him, he prostrated himself at His feet And begged Him earnestly, saying, My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, so that she may be healed and live.

Mark 5:22-23 AMPC

Did you see how Jairus pleaded with Jesus? The depth of love that he had for his daughter showed. He called her, “My little daughter”. 

No matter how bad the state of that son or daughter is, even when society has given up on them, you are one person who must not throw in the towel. Do not leave the dirty assignment to your wife. Do not say, “See your son”. If your spirit is down, the story will not change. 

I want to speak to every father who has given up on a child (son or daughter); you can still plead with the Lord. God can restore that seed even when they say the story cannot change. 

When the heart of the father is turned away from that of his seed, the curse will find room for expression, but when the father can still find a place in his heart for his son, and he can wake up and fan into flame that little ember of love, the blessing can speak. 

Your attitude towards your child must change: 

He will change parents’ attitudes toward their children and children’s attitudes toward their parents. If not, I will come and reclaim my land by destroying you.”

Malachi 4:6 GW

I pray for every father battling with the heart to love an estranged seed: May the Lord plant their love in your heart again. May you arise from every spiritual depression and take your place as a priest. May your forgotten armour be restored. 

If David and his men had not found strength as fathers; their wives, and sons would have remained slaves forever. Find your strength. It is not in drinking wine. It is not in transferred aggression. It is not in the bosom of another woman. It is not anger against the church. No! It is in the place of the altar. It is at the feet of Jesus. It is at the place of obedience.

Just like the prophet Isaiah, remember and declare, “I and the children that the Lord has given to me, we are for signs and wonders.” 

© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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