God’s Divine Tailoring and the Quarry of Character Transformation

Irewamiri decided to sew a new garment for our daughter for her third birthday celebration. The moment I announced to Olive that Mummy was sewing a dress for her, her face lit up.

Irewamiri then told Olive to try on the clothe to ascertain its fitness before finishing it up. As soon as Olive got into the dress, she began to stroll around in it and did not want to remove it. 

I told Olive, “Dear, Mum has not finished working on the dress. You will need to remove it. It is still yours but will you let mummy finish working on it?” 

This is exactly how the picture of God’s dealing with us can also be at times. God prepares something for us but at the same time, he prepares us for what he has prepared for us. 

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  (I Corinthians 2:9 NKJV)

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 

(Ephesians 2:10 NKJV)

God has things prepared for us. He has a home and a calling; he has assignments and inheritances that he has prepared for us. This first part is the easiest part of the preparation. As a matter of fact, on this part, “All things are ready.” 

But God has to then prepare the man for what he has prepared for the man- he takes us from Pharaoh’s palace to Jethro’s House and then to the burning bush to equip us with a voice and the signs that Pharoah cannot overcome. 

It is a disaster when an unprepared vessel wants to enjoy prepared opportunities. In building Solomon’s Temple, only stones that were shaped in the quarry to the required sizes were used on site. They fitted perfectly and there was no noise from the hammer on site. The shaping was already done.

And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built. 

I Kings 6:7 NKJV 

This is why a man who believes is not in a hurry. He allows the hand of God to work on him and shape him for what God has in store for him. 

An apprentice or student who abandons the process is a danger to all-they have a semblance of a finished product but the character of raw unprocessed material. They are quacks in destiny and life assignments.

They can be called Christians but they raise their hands to beat their spouse. They can be called a big title but with hearts romancing lust and greed. They become a pain to anything they touch. 

I know you want a great home but have you passed your quarry of shaping for great hearts, selfless living, kind hearts, and forgiving without waiting for an apology? 

I know you want to raise the dead and call down fire like the prophets of old but have you honoured Eli and have you stayed through with Elijah?

I know you want to bring Goliath down but has pride been dealt with after you killed the lion or bear? Or has it become the alias of “your” ministry- Pastor Temi, the lion slayer? 

God has things ready for you. The question is “Will you be ready for him?”

There is love in sharing

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