I started out in ministry without a strong fathering relationship. However, by divine mercies, I got into a learning relationship with my grandfather in the faith. He would answer my questions and give me as much audience as possible. I would also attend monthly ministers’ meetings, during which ministers were mentored and trained. At different times, he told me, “I will visit you soon.” We rejoiced and hoped for that day.
As my culture was, I would listen to his teachings and follow his itinerary. He was preaching somewhere some years back and said, “I do not even know your pastor…” That was all the devil needed to fire an arrow of offence into my heart. The devil told me, “You that he knows, has he come to you? After all the years of following, has he visited you? Are you not closer by geography than where he is now?” The devil added, “Stop deceiving yourself. Who are you that he would visit you? Stop going for all those meetings. You can grow by yourself.”
The questions were almost turning my heart into shreds. I struggled. But I prayed. I prayed more for my beloved father in those days. I prayed that the Lord would grant him more open doors and prosper the works of the ministry under his watch. I refused the devil the chance to make me focus on myself. I battled the spirit of offence to a standstill.
The following month, I was in the monthly meeting. Baba preached from his heart and spoke as though someone had told him everything I was going through. He said, “Do not let the devil lie to you that you are small because I have not visited you. Who am I? I cannot lift a fly. It is God who lifts.” I began to cry where I was.
Just before he closed the meeting, he paused. He mentioned my name, and I raised my hands. He said, “Son, I owe you and am coming to you.” For me, that moment was more than a visit. It was God healing my wounded heart with the balm of His love.
Listen, the devil will always plant offence in the same place where the seed of your destiny should blossom. There will always be a strong attack around the area that you are meant to blossom. How do you overcome that attack of the devil?
First, do not let the thoughts he is firing into your soul settle in. Those are his poisoned arrows. Do not gossip with the devil. He enjoys it. As he is dropping his dirty bags at your doorstep, tell him to take it back. You do this by speaking and not by thinking alone. You do not battle thoughts with thoughts. You battle thoughts with words. Keep saying it as long as the thoughts keep coming.
Also, appoint yourself as an intercessor over your pastor. Remember that he is also human. Start praying for him. Bless the work of his hands and all that is connected with him. That is what is called a counterattack. Counter the devil’s attack by blessing the one he wants you to hate. Any relationship that the devil attacks must have some destiny significance.
Furthermore, refuse to gossip about your pastor. Do not allow the devil to recruit you as a gossip. You may think you are discussing the hurt, not realizing that you are helping the devil spread his venom. You would have become an accidentally borrowed vessel.
In addition, do not fall into the trap of withdrawal. Some people will stop attending meetings. Some will stop serving the Lord. Some stop going to church outrightly. I am sure you do not like seeing the devil win.
Finally, you will see God turn the father’s heart to the son and that of the son to the father. In the end, there will be a unique heart connection. It will be so strong. The pull of destiny will become stronger. That is where you will also find healing. The devil knows that curses flow where there is strife and offence. Do not allow him to succeed.
Do you know the last word of the Old Testament is “curse” that flows out of a strained relationship?
“And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
Malachi 4:6 NKJV
Break the cursed poison arrow by walking in love.