There was a time when I was getting pretty close to a female friend. I had the intent of asking her out. Due to my desire, my priorities were affected. I would always go the extra mile to please her. I could be on my way to prayer and get her call, and I would postpone praying to speak with her or attend to her needs.
Love can be patient, but it should not be stupid. Why should you lose the sense of priority because you are now in love? One day, in the place of prayer, the Holy Spirit said to me, “Drop that handbag.” I knew immediately who the reference was about. I reordered my priority.
While courting with my wife, there was a season when we were having issues back to back. We tried to fix it, but petty issues kept popping up. When I got tired of it all, I decided to pray. The Holy Spirit told me, “This is the first place you should have been. Did you get her by talking or by prayer?” I repented.
If you are a believer and a disciple of Christ, there is no way you can build your home without the help of the Lord. Have you forgotten that except the Lord builds a house, they labour in vain that build it? Do you know it is bewitchment to start out a union by faith in the Lord and then seek to build it strong by reliance on the flesh? That Galatian method never gets to work.
Why? The flesh can never carry a load birthed by the Spirit. When the flesh or a weak spirit tries hard to carry the load meant for the spiritually stable, strong and alert, it breaks down under the load- words of frustration about the marriage begin to come out.
“I don’t know what I was thinking when I married you.”
“I do not know how else I will define a useless man.”
“I feel like packing my bags and leaving this union.”
“She is a thorn in my flesh.”
If you worship your marriage rather than honour the Lord with and in it, you will become encumbered with the burdens.
This is the voice of counsel: Go ahead, build your career and give yourself to your work. But if you put me first, you’ll see your family built up! (Proverbs 24:27 TPT)
Rearrange your priority. Is God first in your marriage or your home? Have you relegated Him to a subset of the union? The flesh will take over once the Lord is not on the throne. Where the flesh rules, strife can never be far. Yield that throne to the Lord today. Peace will hit your heart. It will flow to your home. It will cause a mighty turnaround.
Take a moment to repent. Commit yourself to God. Commit your spouse to God. Leave the burden at the altar. Go home and love your spouse.