As I sat with another young pastor, I asked him, “Kindly describe what you feel about ministry in one word”. He took a deep sigh and said, “Frustrating”. He had “invested” so much in buying expensive gadgets. His handbills are top-grade. They were lovely to behold but he did not ask himself whether it was sustainable and what was the real cost of what he was building.
Beloved, whenever you are starting on the journey of vision, there are very essential instructions that you must never joke with:
First, listen to your midwives. Midwives are those who have been where you are now but who are also standing where you desire to be. There is no pregnant woman who is in labour who despises the role of a midwife. Your midwife will give you life-birthing and life-saving instructions. Ask God to lead you to destiny midwives. They are key.
Second, you must ask yourself two simple questions:
Question 1: “Can I start it?”- You look at what you desire to buy or use to drive the vision. Appraise it by asking whether you can start it. If the answer is positive, then the next question is key.
Question 2: “Can I sustain it?” – There are things you can start that you will not be able to sustain in three months. Why? You will be back to square one. It is better to grow things organically. Do you know the taste of fruits that we’re forced to get ripe before their time? It looks like it but the taste is not the same. Patience is a major factor in building a vision.
Third, do not load the vision with what it cannot bear. If you start by borrowing, you have started in a graveyard. It will take resurrection for the vision to live. The pressure that will be on you too will be needless and avoidable if you follow simple instructions and guidance.
When Pharaoh wanted to go after the Hebrew boys at birth, he consulted with the midwives. He knew that the growth of that vision was a major threat to his kingdom. This is a midwife’s counsel. That vision that the Lord has given you can live but you need to ensure you do not kill it with your own hands.
One of the prostitutes in Solomon’s day slept on her baby. She was in snooze mode and placed a weight on that seed that led to death by suffocation. Do not be careless with what God has blessed you with.
May the vision live.
Be blessed.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.