He spoke with entitlement. He believed that the way he treated the person and the issue was normal. He would not allow anyone to speak to him anyhow. He replied to every abusive word with a dose of his own also. I felt his pains but would not choose his ways.

I asked him, “Can a Samsung Remote Control work on a Panasonic Television Set?” He responded in the negative. I asked why. He responded, “Because there is no component of the Panasonic Television Set in the Samsung Remote Control”.

Beloved, how you treat people is not a reflection of who they are but who you are. When you treat people with dignity, it is a sign that you are a dignified person. When it is otherwise, you also portray the same.

Jesus treated people with dignity from childhood till death. Fame was never a barrier. Even on the cross, he was still treating people in a dignified manner.

Even if you are the boss, the way you speak to your employees speak volumes about who you are. Correction and rebuke do not have to be done in profane words. You do not have to talk to them the same way that you were trained- with abusive words.

Anytime I spend time with artisans and craftsmen, I am appalled at the volume of curses that are exchanged as jokes or as correction at times. The order must change. Your words tell the volume of who you are.

Here is the word for masters when relating with apprentices but can apply to employers relating to employees and to all believers in extension:

Masters, it’s the same with you. No abuse, please, and no threats. You and your servants are both under the same Master in heaven. He makes no distinction between you and them.
Ephesians 6:9 MSG

No abuse.
No threats.

If you are privileged, even when you are trying to help the “less-privileged” (I use the word with some caution), do it with honour.

When you read the story of how the rich man treated Lazarus, it said much more about the rich man than Lazarus. At first glance, you will forget the state of Lazarus but will be appalled at the wickedness of the rich man. Why? How you treat people say so much about who you are.

No matter how people treat you, let your response show that you are a person of dignity and honour. Insist that you will not get into mudslinging with anyone.

As a believer, Christianity places you at a unique height, let nothing (no offence, no disrespect) pull you down to levels that demean the price that Jesus paid for you- His blood!

There is love in sharing

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