We had to get some renovation work done in the ministry office. We called the carpenter to do some work. On one of the days, I stepped out of the office and I saw the planks. I said, “Oh, the carpenter is here”.

The shocking part is at the close of work that evening, the planks were still there but the carpenter was nowhere to be found. I was surprised, “I thought he brought the planks so he could commence work”. The men there said, “He told us he would soon be back but we have not seen him since”.

Good intentions must be backed up with actions. Beloved, intent to respond to God’s call is not enough. You must do the actual work that he has committed into your hands.

God has called you to serve him in full-time ministry. This is the third year. You increased the volume of your commitment to church while you are trying hard to buy time. You brought wood but abandoned the work.

There is an artwork on the wall of the dining room in my parents’ home. It has a prayer on it that has shaped my life since childhood. My mummy titled it “My Prayer”. It says:

“Let me not die before I have done for thee my earthly work, whatever it may be. Call me not hence with mission unfulfilled. May I not leave my space of ground untilled”

It has a second verse that says:

“Impress this truth upon me- that no one can do my portion that I leave undone. For each one in your vineyard has a spot to labour on for my life and weary not”.

Back in secondary school, we had morning duties. For the boys, it was always clearing bushes. If you get to the field and you see the portion that is still full of tall and high grasses, you already know who has abandoned his own portion.

When heaven looks down at you, do they see abandoned portions or do they see a work in progress? What have you been called to do? What have you done just half-way? Completing the work is important.

(Thanks for all the feedback. You can share your feedback on +2348077467754. You can visit www.temiloluwaola.com to partner with me or read previous Devotionals and you can download a soft copy of COMPASS for January to April 2020. God bless you)

There is love in sharing

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