That day, my spiritual father asked a group of ministers, “How many of you wake up sometimes in the morning and do not feel like praying?”
He then added, “Can you see I am the first to raise my hands? There are days I dont feel like also. My body is complaining but I still pray”.
I love his sincerity. No pretense. That connects to me every time.
People who become great in life do not just do what they feel like doing, they do what they need to do.
There are days I did not feel like writing but I did. Give yourself no options.
And honestly, I do not feel like taking a break but I must.
I want to say THANK YOU for all your feedbacks in the past few months- from online readers and users of COMPASS devotional.
I want to thank those who make me look smart- the designs, the blog, the prayers, the data and the partnerships. You will never lack helpers.
I want to thank the “silent readers association”. Keep not silent.
I will be 32 in a couple of days and I want to take some days out. What a joy! Imagine Jesus was greatly doing a lot at 32- Let me appraise myself also! *Smiles*
It has been a delight serving you with my gift. May your generation hear your voice. Amen.
God bless you!