“IKU PO MI NU” (Death Vomited Me)
As we drove home, I asked Irewamiri, “Did you pick the lesson as he shared the testimony?” She said, “Yes I did”. There is a lesson I kept sharing for a while, “You do not fight thoughts with thoughts. You cancel and erase thoughts with words”.
Someone dear to me was stuck in traffic and thoughts came to him, “What if you have an accident like you did last year”. He instantly responded in those few seconds, “Death has vomited me”. He had been praying all the way!
Like a dream, a truck lost control and ran into his vehicle. The car was badly damaged. Despite the intensity of the crash, his kids sleeping at the back did not even wake up from sleep. They all came out alive and untouched.
Beloved, do not take thoughts from the devil. When thoughts drop, your words are the gatekeepers. With your words, you can open the door to strange thoughts or shut them out.
Spiritual warfare is exactly what it is- Spiritual. Words are the weapons we fight with. Keep your mouth shut until you find your weapons. Do not joke with your Words for the rest of your life. Arm yourself with scriptures all around. Kick out depressing thoughts.
You tear down imaginations and strange thoughts with the Sword of the Spirit. You are insulated from the fiery darts of the enemy by the shield of Faith. Never allow thoughts to take root in your heart if you do not want them to manifest in your life.
A senior friend mentioned that; when he was struggling with masturbation and other lustful thoughts, he would shout “No!” every time the thought comes (whether in public or private). If anyone asked him why he shouted, he will say I am settling a personal matter. He stood on the word of God that says “Grace teaches us to SAY no”. Beloved, he got his victory.
If you keep shut, you will carry what is not yours. Remember, you battle thoughts with words and not thoughts.
You must learn to place a hand on yourself and declare that “My spirit will never be forcefully ejected from my body. I will live long and remain strong”.
In this season, do not joke with your words at all. Remember you open and close doors with words. Never convert any careless thoughts into careless words. Eliminate strange thoughts by speaking the right words.
There are no jokes in the realm of the spirit. Spirits do not know jokes. They know words. Are you speaking the right words?