As the girls were getting dressed for school, Danielle was already fully dressed while Olive was still being playful. I told her to approach Mum so she could put on her pair of socks. At the same time, I told Olive, “Be quick and let’s go to school”. Her response was the shocker I needed for the day, she said, “Again…?” Irewamiri and I were both shocked. We told her, “Yes! You will go to school again”.
God has a training school for every believer. You must be willing to get trained. Salvation is our introduction to the training school of the Spirit. Paul told Timothy that the Lord
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:4 KJV
A man who gets tired of God’s training school would short change himself in life and destiny. A half-cooked believer cannot become God’s choice soldier. Gehazi did not complete his training, he could not step into the shoes of Elijah.
It takes revelation to see the link between a physical routine and your rise into God’s ordained place in destiny. If they would write off anyone of Elijah’s students, it was most likely Elisha because his routine was to “pour water on the hands of Elijah”.
What if Elisha grew tired of that routine? He would never have grown the capacity, consistency and character to carry the double portion of Elijah’s spirit.
In life, do not joke with the training school of God. There are things that like Jesus said at His Baptism, you must “suffer it to be so”. It is a process you must go through.
In God’s training school, Jesus learnt obedience. It was a core course needed for the fulfilment of His life’s assignment of laying down His life on the cross. He learnt it through the things He suffered. If He did not learn obedience, He would never have been able to say “Not My will but Your will be done”.
One tutor in the school of the divine things is the Holy Spirit. When you are willing to listen, he stays as a guide. When you fail to listen and the consequences begin to show up, he will also comfort you. But you will not skip any class.
God aims to ensure that you learn to do it right and not just fast. Speed can not replace accuracy. The fact that a surgeon can carry out a procedure fast does not count if he cannot carry it out accurately. Lives will be lost. In the same vein, you will learn accuracy. God will teach you patient endurance.
Why is the training school of God deliberate and essential? The fall of one son is a major loss of kingdom investment. Satan goes after sons. He knows they are kingdom assets. When you are going through hard times, make sure you do not fail in character. It is your training school.
Will you go to school again?