At a point on my journey, I realized that I would have productive tasks to carry out, but once I pick up my phone, it takes a while before I settle back into focusing on what has to be done. It was getting so bad that my phone became the last thing I pressed at night and the first thing I went for in the morning. I needed to be brutal with my decisions about this distraction. 

Aside from that, it took a toll on our marital bonding also. I can imagine the miracles that will happen in some marriages if both parties can just decide to do away with phones at particular hours of the evening. 

There are temptations you are naturally delivered from once you are away from your phone. 

What can be done? 

First, do not deny the fact that you spend excessive time on the phone. Come to terms with the fact that your phone and social media have become a distraction. If you are in denial, you cannot overcome the menace. 

Second, as believers, we are used to fasting food, but you can also fast your phone and social media. Make up your mind not to touch that phone or go near social media for certain hours of the day. You can fast until 6 p.m. for a week. Touch it for just an hour afterward. Call it your retreat week. You will be surprised how your creativity will be unlocked. 

I do away with my Android phone every weekday. I have found alternatives where there are no social media applications. I resort to communication by emails instead of the likes of WhatsApp. My productivity rose to new levels. My mind was clearer. I got to invest more time in reading. 

Listen, when if you are battling with indiscipline at any level, you must be brutal. If you are not, you will soon end up in greater issues: 

• You will soon be struggling (if you are not already) with lust, sexual promiscuity and unfaithfulness in marriage 

• You will have addiction challenges. Phone and social media is already proof that you have issues. 

• You will find it hard to be financially disciplined. You will not be able to save or stick to a budget. 

• You cannot stick to a routine. 

It is really not about your phones and social media, it is the offshoot of a greater issue- lack of self-control. 

But if you can begin with doing away periodically with your phone and social media, it would be a great win. 

Try it. Find an accountability partner. Be faithful. You will see improvements. 

Do not forget what the preacher said: 

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

And remember this warning also: 

People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.

Proverbs 19:3 NLT


temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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