I was in the office just some six weeks after I stepped into Eruwa to answer the call of God into full-time ministry. Every vision needs men even though I did not know it in this manner then but God showed up faithful.

A dear one whom I had known from my teenage years walked into the office and mentioned it was his birthday and God said he should come and see me. The rest today is history. He is also working with me full time in ministry.

There is nothing God has committed into your hands that you will not need to pray men to join the vision and pray out some men who will want to hinder the vision. You must begin to do it very early in the vision.

The devil attacks the vision from infancy also. Herod told the wise men that he wanted to also worship the newborn king. The plan was not to worship. The plan was to terminate the programme of redemption. Divine plans were bigger than demonic moves. However, it took a sensitive father and obedient wise men to outsmart their scheme.

The easiest time to infiltrate a vision is always when it is still at the commencement phase. As the visioneer plants, the enemy will also want to add his seed. You must reject the seeds of the enemy.

The devil fights first by infiltration and not opposition. Even when the Israelites left Egypt, there was a category of the huge exodus that was called the mixed multitude. They joined the movement from the beginning.

The Psalmist gave us an example of prayers to pray in this regard:

Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children; Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
Psalm 144:7‭-‬8 KJV

There are strange children. They are vision destroyers. They do not build with you but are ready to tear down whatever you are building. May you enjoy the gift of discernment.

Before anything starts – ministry, business, career, marriage or whatever it is, remember to pray in men and pray out men.

Declare boldly “In the name of Jesus, I am blessed with a discerning spirit. I enjoy the blessing of the right men in my life’s journey”

There is love in sharing

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