My two girls were playing right on the bed beside me. The next thing I noticed was Danielle was putting the sash that was used at the baby shower some months back on her sister, Olive. Written on it boldly were the words “MUM TO BE”.

Every child (and if possible every man) must be seen from the view point of their future, their capacity and their potential. Parents are meant to be seed spotters and seed groomers.

If you look at your child as just a child, you will never be able to groom them to the heights that their life and destiny should attain. You will give excuses when you are meant place demands. You would play when you are meant to instruct.

You need someone in your life who puts a sash of your future on you. You need people who can look at you and see who you will be and not just who you are right now.

I have had such moments in life. Nine years ago, I walked into the second service of my church in Uyo. I had just been in church for less than 10 Sundays. Pastor sent one of his associates to tell me that I would be taking a 10 minutes exhortation in the second service. That was a “sash moment” for me. He saw something that I did not see then.

Think of this for a minute- Paul, after an aborted ministry in Jerusalem went to Tarsus, his home town. There was no record of anything happening in Tarsus. But when Barnabas was sent to Antioch, he decided to go look for Paul.

If we could see into the realm of divinity, he must have placed a sash on Paul with the words- “Apostle To Be”. He believed in Paul’s call. He placed it on Paul and the rest today is history.

A lot of people are frustrated today because they lack men like Barnabas- Sash Holders! Dream ‘Awakeners’!! May your Barnabas locate you.

In the name of Jesus, may the Lord bless us with eyes that see beyond the immediate.


There is love in sharing

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