A mentor shared how he preached a great sermon. It was the kind of Word that the preacher knows that he surely delivered.
Still enjoying the euphoria of the moment, a young lady walks up to him and requested audience. He obliged. Then comes the bombshell: “Sir, the pronunciation is Van and not Fan”. He felt like “Ah! After this great word, the only thing you can remember is the “f” factor”. He said, “Thank you”. But since then, he had consciously worked on it.
While driving, there is a spot called blind spot- that small spot that you do not see! We all have blind spots and we need those who are closest to us to give us honest feedback.
Honestly, whether as a husband or a pastor, I still shiver when feedbacks are about to come. But I am learning to receive it and get better through it (Do you know that feeling when someone dear to you says “We have to talk”?).
Dear husband, when your beloved wife says “Can we talk please?”, do not build a wall of defence. Be happy that communication is about to get better in your marriage. Listen. Be excited about it.
Feedback is not meant to harm you; they are meant to reveal things that can harm you!
Do not be like a driver without side mirrors- it will be difficult to change lanes and align properly. But worse, such a driver is a disaster to himself and other road users.
Honest feedback makes us better people. When last did you get a feedback?