Growing up as a pastor’s child comes with its troubles. There was a day that we came back from church a bit late. We had hardly settled down after eating and clearing dishes when Dad peeped into our rooms and asked that we get ready for the regular evening evangelism meeting.
My older brother did not blink when he told Dad, “I am not going to church this evening”. Dad smiled and left him alone. That day I wish I had his boldness. This is the amazing thing- Today, my brother is a pastor.
There are a lot of people like us today who are simply casual attendees of church services. They do not draw the best of their local church. If you see the church as just one of those regular religious practices, you will not get the best of her.
One of the reasons why God set up the church is to give believers a spiritual family. Your family is a place of identity, nurturing, and inheritance. It is God himself who sets the solitary in families.
God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
Psalms 68:6 NKJV
When you give birth to a baby, you do not leave the baby in the hospital while you return home. You bring the baby home. In the same vein, a man who comes to Jesus Christ must find family in the local church. That is a new home for you.
Attendance is not membership. For instance, that you show up every time we have a family function and you join in the feasts does not confer membership of our family on you. If you just show up in church for ceremonies, it does not make you a member.
Church is a solid support system. The first thing God introduced Saul to after conversion was the church.
He was discipled and followed up by the brethren. One of them was called Ananias. He was given a platform for service and ministry in Damascus. He was protected in the day of trouble. The church stood by him and ensured that the troubles did not swallow him. The Church loved and accepted him despite his history. He was given a chance to become all God has ordained him to be. His ministry went to a whole new level in the church at Antioch. The church blessed him with friendships and sons. The church provided support for the missions that he was also called into.
The church is a major part of a believer’s journey. Do not despise the church. Ask the Lord to lead you to the church He has ordained for your growth. Pay the price to be committed there. Even if it is a bit far for comfort, do not complain that it is far. You skipped many schools to attend the one you graduated from. Why? You went to one that would help you in your life and career. Do not be sentimental or casual when it comes to church. Choose by the spirit also.
©temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa