I picked up my old journal and scanned through it. At one point, I stumbled on a list of prayer points I wrote down. I began to check through it and saw that the Lord had come through for it all.
One was particularly striking; it was a request for a loyal yet trained person who could serve in an office. It was striking because the Lord had just answered the question some weeks earlier. It took three years, but the Lord answered. He answered with such a perfect fit.
When it comes to your walk with God, one of the qualities you will need is calmness. Like our generation will say, “Be calm”. Calmness talks about patience. It speaks of inner peace while going through a process.
Have you ever felt like God is slow? Listen! He is not. Listen to what Apostle Peter has to say:
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9 NIV
If the wine is ready, but the wineskin is not, and in haste, you decide to pour new wine into the old wineskin like that, you would also waste the wine and destroy the wineskin. That is the perfect illustration that Jesus himself gave.
And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”
Mark 2:22 NIV
I know there are times that Irewamiri is cooking and my girls are hungry. No matter how much they cry and how loving she is, she will not give them uncooked meals. They would have to learn patience.
No matter how loving God is, he knows that it is through faith and patience that you will obtain the promise. He is not wicked. You just need to be patient.
Some people have not been patient in waiting and end up with “half-cooked” spouses who are a mixture of strange things with a splash of spirituality. They keep saying, “But I met him in church,” and God kept saying, “But I was asking you to be calm.”
Calmness helps you to come into a well-rounded understanding that enhances decision-making. Patience will reveal authenticity. Time will always reveal the truth.
Am I saying you should lack drive and passion about life and decision-making? Not at all. I am saying exactly what the writer of Hebrews told us: “Run with patience.” Make sure you do not abandon patience as you run. Running is beautiful. Speed is amazing. However, patience is key! Run with patience.
How do you obtain the promise? It is with faith and patience. You must have an amazing drive, and it is great to be passionate. However, you must not forget patience. Be patient. Patience keeps you within the framework of God’s plans, process and patterns for you. Do not let your desire for answered prayers make you turn a blind eye to things that are not approved by the Lord. Run with patience.
Stop comparing yourself with others. Be calm.
Stop feeling like your life is not working. Find points of gratitude.
Stop trying to help God. You can birth an Ishmael.
Stop trying to help the ark. It can lead to a disaster.
Be calm. Be patient. God is not slow.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa