I still remember where we sat. I was trying my best to share the gospel with her. I noticed she was super quiet for a while. She then dropped a bombshell: “Temi, I appreciate your effort. I have lost it already. Why then pretend like I still have it?”. I had to tell her that living a pure life may begin with being a virgin, but it was more than that. You can be a virgin and still not live a pure life. But much more, I wanted her to meet Jesus Christ first and surrender her life to Him. All others will be settled.
Chastity, in Bible terms, means to be untouched and undefiled.
For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
II Corinthians 11:2 NKJV
It means to live a pure, godly life.
For when they observe your pure, godly life before God, it will impact them deeply.
1 Peter 3:2 TPT
Thank God for the consolation and redemption that we have in Christ Jesus. Glory to God. You must, however, know that if Mary was no longer a virgin, you would not have fulfilled that ancient prophecy of Isaiah:
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14 NKJV
The prophecy clearly stated that “the virgin” shall conceive. If Joseph and Mary had not been living a pure life, heaven would have looked for another person to raise the Messiah.
Beloved, depending on the height of the demand of your destiny, let me gently announce to you that there is a state you must be in sometimes for destiny to be fulfilled. There is nothing God cannot turn around, but God is also a righteous God- Joseph and Mary would have been bypassed.
In a generation that lowers the standard, kindly raise yours. In a generation where anything goes, make sure you stay grounded and rooted in the love and the fear of God.
In a generation where fornication is “premarital sex” and adultery is an “extra-marital affair”, remind yourself by calling it what it is- Sin! If you keep explaining it away, you will never walk in victory over sin.
Defilement places a limitation on you. Daniel knew this and refused to defile himself with the King’s portion.
Are your words edifying or defiling? Do you speak with the fear of the Lord or with the desire to belong and just trend?
Does your appearance show that regard for the fear of the Lord or just the fashion trends of the day?
Is your courtship or dating pure and edifying, or is it already defiling? Are you presenting your members (all of your body parts) as a living sacrifice to the Lord?
Listen, embrace purity in courtship. It helps to keep trust in marriage. A man who runs his hands all over you now will ruin you. A man who sins with you before marriage will likely sin against you in marriage. It is simply a lack of self-control. Marriage is not the cure for it. Deal with anything that defiles. Do not explain it away!
Stop saying, “Body no be wood” every time you drop the ball. Place a demand on yourself. Submit your all to the government of Christ.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa
God is calling you to a higher standard. Will you respond to him?
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa