Before Irewamiri knew I would get to ask for her hand in marriage, I had a code that one of her friends gave me- she loved a particular drink. I began to keep the drink handy in my office.
One evening, I handed over the drink to her. As she stepped out, one of her friends took it from her. She did not argue or fight at all. She simply told the person, “My daddy will give me another one.” She indeed got another one.
There is a mindset that keeps you from the strange spirit of unhealthy competition- it is a knowledge of how gracious God the Father is. God, the Father, is rich in mercy. He is so rich that you cannot afford to play the judge or the jury in anyone’s matter. When a man encounters mercy from the Lord, there will be things about him you will never be able to explain.
Father Abram knew this dimension of God’s graciousness. When Lot and his herdsmen were grabbing as much as they could and sowing the seed of strife, Father Abram was willing to let go. Why? He told Lot, “We are brothers. Let there be no strife between you and me”.
The working of God on Abram was not just to be the father of Isaac, it was to be the father of nations. The first step was to work on his heart. The heart that will father a nation must see Lot misbehaving and still go all out to fight for him.
You can be born-again and small if you are tied to the spirit of competition. If the devil succeeds in sowing the seed of strife in your life, marriage, career, or ministry, he has succeeded in shrinking and stifling your growth. You will remain perpetually small.
The heart that can not forgive the past of Saul can never see the wonders of Paul. If you are a pastor, your sermon can become a flow from strife. The anointing is now flowing through the pipe of offence. Your doctrine is stained by the blood of your wounds. You will remain small.
You cannot father nations if you escape the surgery room of the Lord where the hearts of men are enlarged. You will pass the test of betrayal, denial, and outright hatred. Your response must still be love. If you are not crucified, you cannot resurrect. It takes men to crucify you. You cannot do it yourself.
You will stay down forever if you go down with a hurting and offended heart. Job may have a double portion reserved for him, but the password must be to pray for his friends who have hurt him with words. Can you speak the blessing over those who hurt you deeply, or do you just say, “I don’t wish them evil,” but can you pray blessings over them? That’s your test.
If you know how generous the Lord is, you will not stay scrambling for what is available in abundance.
The prodigal son got lost away from home, squandering his inheritance. The elder brother got lost at home, caught in the spirit of strife. They both needed the same cure- the father’s love. Are you lost at home? Are you offended because you think you deserve more attention or appreciation?
Hear the father: “His father said to him, ‘Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours.
Luke 15:31 NLT
Do not let the devil trick you again- strife will make you fight for what you already have. Remove that blindfold. There is more than enough to go round. Share love. Share grace. There is always more with the father.
© temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa