That evening, after doing all I could to win back Irewamiri’s attention, it was like nothing worked. I eventually left the room where she was at her request for some space. As I went to our room, the warmth was not there. I had to make a wise decision.
I followed a humbling instruction from the Holy Spirit. I took a duvet and laid it at the entrance of the room where she was. After a while, she stepped out of the room and was shocked to meet me at the door.
“Darling, what are you doing here? Please stand up; let’s go to our room”. I smiled and responded that even though she did not want me in her space, I wanted to stay close enough to pick her heartbeat. I could not afford to be far from her. That melted her.
Beloved, there is a price to pay for intimacy. You can choose a cold bed far away from intimacy while rolling around with an offended heart poisoned by the actions of your angry spouse, or you can wake up and fight for the warmth of your union, even if it means making the sacrifice of sleeping on a hard floor.
It is the same with our walk with God; you must be hungry enough to have a solid walk with God. This must drive you to leave the comfort of your bed long before dawn to the place of communion and devotion. Jesus did it. We must follow suit.
The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer.
Mark 1:35 TPT
Never stay in a place that will hinder intimacy. Sometimes, you must deny yourself comfort to have sweet communion with the Lord.
There are days we do not even sleep in the room or on the bed so we can wake up to pray. There are days we do not even stay at home so we can retreat. Intimacy comes with a price.
When last did you do a three-day retreat away from your space? When last did you find a solitary place to seek His face?
Do you remember the days of the midnight call (popularly called Xtra Cool in Nigeria)? Do you remember some of the prices/sacrifices you made that season? When last did you do a long hour all-night prayer call to God? Intimacy comes with a price. If you do not pay it, you cannot eat the fruit thereof!
Pay the price. Fight for the warmth between you and God, you and your spouse. Never let the altar gather ashes. Never! Blow the ashes away. Let the warmth emerge.
temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.