A dear father who is active in missions and church planting in unreached terrains shared a story that has not left my mind. It happened in one of the villages where he went to plant a church.

While he was preaching one evening with the help of an interpreter, a lady in the audience who could not control herself any longer screamed out and was talking to him right in the middle of a teaching. When he requested to know what she said, it was such a heavy statement. She said:

“Our lives have been destroyed before you came. Where have you been?”

What a weight!

Let me start by praying for you: May you not make mistakes that can no longer be corrected. May you have an early baptism of the awareness of destiny. May it not be too late before you wake up.

The generation that came out from Egypt needed just 11 days to move from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea. Just at the entrance to a new season, they misbehaved. A journey of 11 days took 40 years and the death of a whole generation (Deut. 1). May you not make mistakes that you cannot correct.

This one is tough. Do you know Moses recorded how he went to plead with God over the error of striking the rock rather than speaking to it? Do you know how that time out with God ended:

“Please let me cross the Jordan to see the wonderful land on the other side, the beautiful hill country and the Lebanon mountains.’ “But the Lord was angry with me because of you, and he would not listen to me. ‘That’s enough!’ he declared. ‘Speak of it no more.” Deuteronomy 3:25‭-‬26 NLT

God told Moses to take a look at the Promised Land and then asked him to commission Joshua to take over the work from him.

The young prophet made the error of resting at the wrong time and a greater error of following the old prophet contrary to God’s instruction. His life and ministry ended the same day he came into national limelight (1 Kings 13)

May you not make mistakes that you cannot correct. May the Lord spare you from errors that limits a man in life.

Do not allow the devil to load your life with troubles and then give you a bad attitude. He will keep you imprisoned for life. A bad attitude is the devil’s prison guard for men in the cell of sin.

Finally, if you are a believer, there is something in your hands and in your life that you must not deny your world. There are people who are waiting for you to shine the light. Stop playing games. Destiny is calling.

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