While the filling of the foundation of the church building project was going on, there was a bill that needed to be paid. I have instructions that payment be made by noon while I travel for a retreat.

About two hours before the deadline, we needed seven thousand naira to balance it up. It was not a big deal. I felt it was too small to ask the Lord for. I just wanted to transfer it to the project account personally. When I picked up the phone to do it, the Lord said:

“When you transfer this one, will you take over the project from here? Is it your project?”

I was shocked. I repented and asked the Lord to meet the need. It felt small and insignificant. About some minutes to noon, the account was still the same. But by 11:57 am, the exact amount needed landed in the form of 4000 naira and 3000 naira. I was in shock.

Beloved, there are seeds you sow because you desired to and there are seeds you sow because the Lord commanded it. On the journey of faith, obedience to instructions must be totally complete. Sowing a seed must not be done emotionally. Let it be done in faith especially when you know that the Lord has commanded it.

It is important to obey the Lord of the Harvest. Dear young minister, do not raise a seed simply because there is a need. Raise the seed because the Lord commanded it. If you remove the Lord of the Harvest from the equation, you have reduced the seed to mere contributions. Never let your need take over the leadership of God.

Abraham had a need. He wanted a son. When his need took the lead, he did not refuse the suggestion to sleep with his Egyptian maid. Out of Hagar, he produced Ishmael. Ishmael was never God’s plan; it was man’s impatience to help the Lord fulfil his prophecy. When God would demand the sacrifice of Isaac, he called him “your only son”.

Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” (Genesis 22:2 NKJV)

Beloved, do not labour in what will not count. Do not labour in what God has not placed his seal. Do not fall into the trap of “helping God” stabilize the ark, it can end in an Uzzah moment. Listen! You are not the Lord of the Harvest. Do not let emotions take over when there is a need. Listen to the Lord. And when he commands, obey completely.

When you wait on God, your faith is strengthened. Your patience is built. And when God shows up, He shows up big! Wait. Be patient. Isaac is coming. Do not run into Hagar. Do not birth Ishmael.


There is love in sharing

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