A dear brother of mine called me after a meeting and said, “I need to tell you something”. He mentioned that I kept repeating a particular phrase that was not honourable enough especially when addressing people I was meant to honour. It was a dear teacher who pointed it out to him.

First, I expressed my gratitude to him for watching my back. I was grateful for the feedback.

Second, I promised that I was going to work on it and he should kindly notify me if I keep making the same mistake.

Finally, I mentioned to him that I was open to more correction in any area that he noticed that I have to improve on.

If you hate the truth, you are not willing to grow. Some people say they love feedback but it only ends there. Anyone who gives honest feedback suddenly becomes your enemy.

It is a sign of poor self-esteem when you can not accept honest feedback. Insecurity is the mother of bad attitude. If people have to walk on eggshells around you because they are not sure of what weapon you will pull out when they give feedback, you are not ready for growth.

If you take pride in the fact that no one can correct you or give you feedback, you are not ready for growth. Do not pay lip service to what you are meant to practice wholeheartedly.

Take a quick examination:

Do you have people who can correct you? If you do, who are they? Make a list.

When last did they correct you or give you honest feedback? If it has been a while, you need to call for an appraisal call. It could be that there is already a gap in the relationship or they have observed your poor reception of feedback.

What is your attitude when they correct you? Do you take it with joy? Do you turn the issue back on them? Do you begin to manipulate with emotional withdrawal or self-pity arguments?

If you always hang everything on God, the devil, and others while you absolve yourself of any form of wrong, you are not ready for growth.

Honest conversations are life changers. Can you take feedback from your spouse or it ends up in three weeks of a cold atmosphere? Repent today.

Sometimes, the promotion you need in life is delayed because of a poor attitude to feedback and unfortunately, you have silenced those who can help with emotional intimidation, manipulation, and control. Now you claim it is spiritual warfare. No! You are the enemy. Deal with yourself first.

Let James 1:19 guide you when honest feedback is coming:

Understand [this], my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry.
James 1:19 AMPC

Be ready and quick to hear.
Be slow to speak.
Be slow to take offense and get angry.

Process it. Refine it. Get better.
There will be no growth if you hate the truth.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing

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