A younger minister once sat with an older minister at a conference. After exchanging pleasantries, the younger minister started sharing “testimonies” of God’s goodness to him and his ministry. The older minister did not say a word except to appreciate the grace of God upon the life of the younger minister. Even though, he perceived that some of the testimonies were coming out of the pressure to impress.

The younger minister eventually asked for the name and the base of the older minister. He generously availed him both. The younger minister searched out the name online and spotted how massive the ministry of the older minister is. His posture suddenly changed. He was shocked that the older minister did not say anything about “mighty things that the Lord was doing” through his hands. The older minister calmed him and smiled it all off.

You must learn how to build silently without trying to impress anyone. The pressure to make people know that something is going on in your life, career, or ministry is what is leading you into telling lies or exaggerating what the Lord has done. Build silently.

There are folks whose lives are social media regulated. One pressure of social media is this- once you start putting everything about your life there, you will feel indebted to tell the people even if you are “heading to the restroom”. Do not start what you cannot finish. Build silently.

Sometimes one cannot but wonder- what would Isaiah have told King Hezekiah if he lived in this generation? King Hezekiah showed the visitors from Babylon everything in his palace and all that was in his treasury. Hear the words of Prophet Isaiah and the lessons there:

• Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked him, “What did those men want? Where were they from?” Hezekiah replied, “They came from the distant land of Babylon.”

Isaiah 39:3 NLT

First, what is your relationship with the people you are telling everything to? Jesus told the crowd parables. He told his disciples the explanation of the parables. Never explain to those who only need parables.

• “What did they see in your palace?” asked Isaiah. “They saw everything,” Hezekiah replied. “I showed them everything I own—all my royal treasuries.”

Isaiah 39:4 NLT

Second, I know you want to be open but you must learn discretion also. Openness without discretion will make you cast your pearls before those who do not value it.

• ‘The time is coming when everything in your palace—all the treasures stored up by your ancestors until now—will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left,’ says the Lord.

Isaiah 39:6 NLT

If you keep telling it all, you may end up losing it all. This is not to induce fear. It is to teach you information management. It is a major lesson in leadership. Loose mouths can never attain certain levels of leadership. Kings must have discretion.

Prophet Samuel told Saul he would be king of Israel and also that the donkey has been found. When his uncle asked him what the prophet said, he only told him about the donkey. Tell people only things that concern them. Hold back whatever is not for them. Be discreet.

The testimony you want to share may be your kingdom test of humility, information management, and confidence in God as he does mighty things silently with you. If you are David, will the whole nation have heard from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram how you killed the lion and the bear? Can God do mighty things with you and you know who to tell?

Finally, when you are sitting before anyone who is loaded with wisdom, talk less. If you talk at all, let it be because you have questions to ask that will help your journey.

Be discreet.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing

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