I was in the middle of my morning routine when the name of a dear friend and brother crossed my mind. Amazingly, we had spoken some days earlier. I picked up my phone and called him. We exchanged pleasantries. I said to him, “I pray strength for you today and this season sir”. That was how the conversation ended. 

He reached out about 24 hours later. He was exceedingly grateful for the call. He mentioned how he had been weighed down. It had been a hard time studying the word and praying. He mentioned that I must have been led by the Spirit of the Lord to call him. He became strengthened. He could face his daily tasks and set goals including writing an examination that season. 

Friends, what do you do when someone strikes a chord in your heart? What do you do even when you have spoken with such people some hours earlier? 

First, kindly note that divine remembrance is an operation of God’s grace. When people’s names and thoughts come to your heart, it is an operation of favour. Some people have been forgotten. When people even call you and say, “I just sensed to check on you”, it is the Lord’s favour. Do you know that the cupbearer forgot Joseph for two full years? When it was time for favour, he had no option but to remember him. May favour remember you today!

Second, never shrug it off casually when people strike your heart. If you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, press in by asking, “Holy Spirit, why is ‘Williams’ coming to my heart?” You will receive instructions. It could be to call him. It could even be to send a token. 

Third, there is something called a prayer connection. Cornelius had a prayer desire to know God more. Peter had the desire to be used by the Lord for greater things. As Cornelius prayed, God used the desire in the heart of Peter to create a connection between a spiritually hungry man and a spiritually passionate man. That connection opened the door of ministry to the Gentiles. Never take a prompt for granted. 

I have seen instances where men responded to a nudging to pray and it was all that was needed to avert a crisis. There was a time my father was bedridden. It was quite terrible. A veteran in the faith, Papa Mike Oye, was in Benin Republic and God said to him, “Go straight to Matthew when you get to Nigeria”. He did and prayed for him. 

There are people God cannot trust with spiritual intel. They will take it for granted. They will excuse an urgency in the spirit away. Is that you? 

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.

There is love in sharing


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