I had spent a while waiting on the Lord. It was the predetermined day to break the fast. Coincidentally, we had some great meals ordered for the evening already. It was going to be a “wash it down with joy” kind of evening.
Just at that moment, I sensed a nudging to wait for another day. The question that the Lord asked me was what made it quite interesting. The Lord asked, “What do you want- gold or silver?”
It was hard telling my flesh and my mind to follow the leading of the Spirit, but I did. The next few hours became a gusher of divine insights and inspirations. I would have gotten silver but God gave me gold! What a glorious God.
Silver is costly and people will definitely appreciate it but you must make up your mind that; in destiny, second best is not your desire. Alternative to the best can never be the best.
The difference between gold and silver is always the extra mile. Don’t be wrapped in silver when heaven wanted you clothed in gold. Men would applaud you for attaining silver. Your generation will call you a great man but heaven would know that you did less than was intended.
There is a level of discipline needed to become a “divine gold medalist”. In a race, the difference between the man who took gold and the man who took silver can at times be as little as few seconds. Do not be haunted by underperformance when you know you could have done better.
Fast when you need to.
Pray when you need to.
Wait when you need to.
Study when you need to.
Do not give yourself any excuse to settle for less!
Paul mentioned to us that there is such a thing as running to attain the prize:
You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally. 1 Corinthians 9:24 – 25 MSG
This year, run to Win! train Hard. Do not miss the Gold. God has a destination in view for you and He is taking you there!