A dear son came visiting and said his wife looked at him recently and said, “Thank God for Eruwa in your life”. He came into town as a corp member after attempting to relocate to a city. He eventually got the opportunity to relocate but he said he just had this feeling to stay and he did.

Now, he does a lot of things connected to his season in Eruwa. His entire family now knows that Eruwa is a second home. They even get to ask him when they call at times, “Are you at home or have you gone to Eruwa?”

In making destiny choices, if you simply go with what you like, you may miss out on people, places, and moments that should shape your life’s journey. God will rather lead you into places where your destiny is advanced not just into places where you want.

Divine disruptions can be God’s way of blessing you. Look at things in your life that did not turn out totally as you planned and you are grateful for today. The truth is we understand God in retrospect.

God is both a God of mercy and process. You need to know that even in mercy, God will not boycott the process. Why? He is a righteous God.

If you have your way rather than go God’s way, you can enjoy mercy but if you persist and it becomes a pattern, you will soon lose somewhere in front of the devil.

Some places shape a man. Let the Lord lead you to the place of his shaping. There are people you need in life. May the Lord order your steps to them and their steps to you.

Let’s close with Joseph: If we look at the situation that got Joseph into the prison in Egypt, we would have almost concluded that the prison is not a place to be. But that was where he met the cupbearer who introduced him to the palace.

When you are in the middle of a moment you do not understand, do not be in a hurry to pray some fire prayers. There are times all you need to ask God is:

“That which I see not teach thou me…”
Job 34:32a KJV

We do not see it all. We do not know it all. Do not be in a hurry to rush out of a divine process. Let God lead you.

temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa

There is love in sharing