A dear teacher called me up and told me what he perceived was the will of God about a situation. Some months later, he called to tell me that he was sorry that he was selfish and got it wrong. I learnt a major lesson that day: Do not sacrifice the leading of God and fellowship with the Holy Spirit on the altar of personal ego and pride.

There will be moments on your Christian walk that you would have made a move thinking it is God and then God will step in to bring in clarity- do not allow pride and stubbornness keep you on the same path. Apologise for getting it wrong and follow God.

David told Prophet Nathan about building a temple for the Lord. Nathan told him right away that it was a great idea that God would definitely be proud of. God told Nathan that David was not to build a temple but his son would. Nathan returned to David in humility to state what the Lord has said.

Even if you are a prophetic vessel, be humble if you realise that you got it wrong. Do not try to explain it away. Admit you got it wrong. Preserve your walk with God. It is more essential than your work for Him.

A father-in-the-faith laid hands on a young man and blessed. God told him, “Withdraw that hand”. He called the young man and said to him, “I don’t know what is between you and God but he said I should withdraw the hand of blessing”. The young man confessed his atrocities.

This beloved father said, “I cannot lose my fellowship with God and the anointing of the Holy Ghost over the sentiments I have for a man”. He followed God instead.

As a minister of the Gospel, I have had to apologise because God told me that it was not time to invite a particular minister yet the date was fixed. We both knew that was ministry- a walk with God. There are no sentiments in your dealing with God. If you will go far with Him, you must be willing to stay first in His will no matter how hard it seems.

Can you be at the table with friends you have not seen in years who have prepared a great meal to host you and you get a prompt as you sit at the table not to eat- would you be able to obey?

Can someone who love you and believe in God’s grace on your life call to sow a seed in your life and you sense not to receive it- would sentiments keep you from obeying?

Can you give an assignment to someone and then God gives another instruction, would you sacrifice obedience over the sentiments of ‘How would the person feel?’

Build a strong sense that values spiritual things. The voice of the Lord is your capital asset as a believer. Do not play games with it.

Beloved, the faster you can align to divine prompts, the better!

Stay try to make it work or explain it off when you get it wrong. Apologise. Be humble. Make a U-turn. Follow the Lord.

(Thanks for all the feedback. You can share your feedback on +2348077467754. You can visit www.temiloluwaola.com to partner with me or read previous Devotionals and you can download a soft copy of COMPASS for January to April 2020. God bless you)

There is love in sharing

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